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Documentation Project for Carme

How to rebuild the Frontend

Note: If you are developing the code, rebuilding the image may be time consuming. Therefore, it is better to consider a sandbox, refer to: How to test a singularity image with –sandbox.

Access hadez or hades via ssh

Short version

As an example let’s consider hades (styx):

Long version

In Hadez (acheron)

  1. cd /opt/Carme

  2. time singularity build frontend.simg Carme-ContainerImages/Carme-Frontend-Container/frontend.recipe

  3. mv Carme-ContainerImages/Carme-Frontend-Container/frontend.simg Carme-ContainerImages/Carme-Frontend-Container/frontend.simg.bak

  4. mv frontend.simg Carme-ContainerImages/Carme-Frontend-Container/frontend.simg

  5. ssh persephone (access the login node)

  6. systemctl restart carme-frontend-acheron.service (restart Carme-Frontend)

  7. Clear your browser cache if needed

In Hades (styx)

  1. Follow steps 1 to 5. Then,

  2. systemctl restart carme-frontend-styx.service

  3. Clear your browser cache if needed