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Documentation Project for Carme

How to create a file

Here, we create a Jupyter notebook file.

Note: You cannot create files in the parent home directory.

Using the terminal

  1. Open the terminal and go to the directory where you want to create the file, e.g.,
      cd /home/<username>
  2. Create the file.
      touch filename.ipynb

Using the UI

  1. Click on the menu icon, then go to File -> New File. Refer to Fig. 1.


    Fig. 1.

  2. The New File box opens. Click where it says Jupyter Notebook .ipynb support. Refer to Fig. 2.


    Fig. 2.

  3. The file Untitled-1.ipynb is created. Now you can write your code. Refer to Fig. 3.


    Fig. 3.

  4. To save the file, click on the menu icon, then go to File -> Save. Refer to Fig. 4.


    Fig. 4.

  5. The Save As box opens. Type the name of your file (including the path) and click Ok. Refer to Fig. 5, where the file is mycode.ipynb and the path is the /home/<username>/ directory.


    Fig. 5.