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Documentation Project for Carme

How to deactivate and remove a conda environment

Deactivate a conda environment

  1. If your conda environment is activated. Type the following to deactivate it:

    conda deactivate <name> 

Remove a conda environment

  1. Once your conda environment is deactivated, To remove it, type the following:

    conda remove -n <name> --all -y
  2. If you get a warning message. Ignore it. It will disappear once you start a new job.

  3. You should also remove the kernel installation. In the terminal type:

    jupyter kernelspec uninstall <name> -y
  4. To remove all unused conda packages. In the terminal type:

    conda clean --all 
  5. Start a new job to remove possible cache files.

  6. Verify if your home/<username>/.conda/pkgs directory still has unwanted packages installed. If it does, repeat step 4.