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Documentation Project for Carme

How to cancel an invitation or request to join a project

Note: When you cancel an invitation or request, the project is removed from the user’s project-list.

Two possible scenarios for the project-admin:

  1. Go to Projects, then to acces the project-detail page, click on the project name of interest, e.g., Machine Learning in Fig. 1.


    Fig. 1.

  2. On this new page, the user will be listed on Membership -> In process. Click on Action -> Cancel, see Fig. 2.


    Fig. 2.

  3. Once cancelled, a modal form appears. You must confirm that you want to cancel the invitation. Check Yes, I'm sure and click on Confirm, see Fig. 3. Then, the project is automatically removed from the user’s project-list.


    Fig. 3.