How to cancel an invitation or request to join a project
Note: When you cancel an invitation or request, the project is removed from the user’s project-list.
Two possible scenarios for the project-admin
When you receive a request to join your project and the user status becomes
Waiting for approval
, then you can cancel this request. -
When you invite a user to join a project. In the project-detail page, the status of this user becomes
Invitation submitted
. If the user accepts the invitation, the status changes toWaiting for approval
. In both cases you can cancel the invitation at anytime.
Go to Projects, then to acces the project-detail page, click on the project name of interest, e.g., Machine Learning in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
On this new page, the user will be listed on
->In process
. Click onAction
, see Fig. 2.Fig. 2.
Once cancelled, a modal form appears. You must confirm that you want to cancel the invitation. Check
Yes, I'm sure
and click onConfirm
, see Fig. 3. Then, the project is automatically removed from the user’s project-list.Fig. 3.