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Documentation Project for Carme

How to install and choose a Jupyter kernel

Install the kernel

To run Jupyter notebooks, you need to add a Jupyter kernel in every conda environment that you create.

  1. Activate your conda environment (if it is not).

  2. Then, type the following, choosing your own <name> (this name can be different from your conda env name):

     conda install ipykernel -y && ipython kernel install --user --name "<name>"
  3. You can list your installed Jupyter kernels considering:
     ls /home/<username>/.local/share/jupyter/kernels


     jupyter kernelspec list
  4. Refresh your page to update the changes on the screen.

Choose the kernel

  1. Open a Jupyter notebook file and click on the kernel button. Refer to Fig. 1, top-right. In this example, the kernel button reads Python 3 (ipykernel).


    Fig. 1.

  2. A box opens listing all your kernels. Choose the one that you want to work with. In Fig. 2, for example, we choose pytorch-mnist.


    Fig. 2.

  3. As shown in Fig. 3, top-right, the kernel button now shows pytorch-mnist. With this, you are ready to work with it.


    Fig. 3.